
in 2008

When I made my indie debut under the production of Kaito Onda, the bassist of JUDY AND MARY, part of the jacket photo was taken by a friend who is a makeup artist. Even back then, I created the concept myself and handled the design of the jacket, lyric booklet, and CD surface.

JUDY AND MARYのベーシストとして活躍していた恩田快人氏によるプロデュースでインディーズデビューした際のジャケット写真。メイクアップアーティストである友人の元、撮影は行われた。当時も自身でコンセプトを作り、ジャケット及び歌詞カード、CD表面のデザインを手掛けた。

in 2011

The video production took place in the freezing cold of midwinter, with rain eventually starting to fall. The footage was shot at a lake and in a forest, including scenes where I directly entered the icy lake. Part of the dress I wore as a costume was a one-of-a-kind piece created by a British dress designer.


in 2011

For the flyer shoot promoting my hosted birthday live event, a large candy prop was prepared, and the makeup was finished with a doodle-like touch. The shoot featured many whimsical expressions, creating a stark contrast to the charm, playfulness, and craziness I usually embody. As a result, I boldly embraced a “pop” aesthetic, making this a rare and daring piece.


in 2011

The photos were taken by a woman who played the keyboard during my solo activities. She was always the one I entrusted with shoots that exuded a private and natural, almost nude-like atmosphere. The comfort in capturing even physical aspects without hesitation was thanks to the close bond we shared. The last two photos were taken in 2014.


in 2012

A shot from an MV production created by a filmmaker/art director. All the costumes, props, and decorations used in the MV were prepared by myself for the project.


in 2010-2012

The first photo captures the final one-man live performance, while the others feature scenes from live shows and street performances. Over the years, I took full charge of self-production, handling everything myself, including CD jacket photography, piano performances, composing and arranging music using DTM, dance, stage direction, props, choreography, and designing flyers and CD jackets.


in 2013

I paused my activities, which had been draining my soul and vitality. During this break, I collaborated with a photographer who had supported me with MV and video shoots during my active years. The shoot took place from early morning until noon, wandering through the streets of Shinjuku, Tokyo, while still in pajamas.


in 2014

This photo was taken during the early days of transitioning from solo activities to working as a unit. Shot at night with an old digital camera in an ordinary urban setting, the style reflects a crazy yet toxic vibe to match the shoegaze-inspired music. The makeup also incorporated elements from the UK film “Trainspotting”.


in 2014

A live photo from my time performing as part of a unit and band. In contrast to the bass and guitar that formed the backbone of the performance, I deliberately maintained a distinct, floating presence by wearing nothing but a single dress.


in 2014

While continuing to make music in a small way, I stopped all outward-facing artistic activities. This photo, taken in Yakushima, was captured at a time when I began to step away from existing art and artistic expressions, focusing instead on harmony with nature, dialogue with myself, and starting over with a more fundamental way of living as a human being.


in 2016

On the winter cliffs towering over the sea, I stood in a moment closely intertwined with the concept of approaching death. It was a time that felt like a rebirth, a journey through days of regeneration and transformation.


in 2016

It was a special day when family re-entered my life. I broke free from years of distancing myself from music. To accept my past as a singer-songwriter, I faced the challenge of “creating music again,” as recommended by my concept director. Afterward, I went to New Zealand, where the vast and youthful natural landscape stirred my heart, and I learned important lessons from the plants, helping me rebuild myself.


2017 to 2025

Since then, I worked as a freelance web designer while giving birth to my first son. At the same time, in 2018, I founded “The Soulful UNIVERSE,” a gift brand, and began my journey as a writer. After giving birth to my second son, I briefly resumed my artistic activities. This series of moments does not represent the entirety of Shuna Kana’s life, but rather, it’s just “a small part” of the eight years between 2008 and 2016, captured in photographs.

それからの日々は、WEBデザイナーとしてフリーランスで働きながら長男を出産。それと同時に2018年 The Soulful UNIVERSEというギフトブランドの創設/作家としてスタートし、次男出産後ほんの少しだけアーティスト活動も再開。現在に至る。この連日放ったものは、Shuna Kanaの人生の全てではなく、2008年から2016年までの8年間の中でも、写真として保存出来ている”たった一部”に過ぎないのである。